1 200 000 Dead Tibetans :Of The Wand And The Moon: A Thunder Orchestra A. Dasilva O. Agricultor Debaixo Do Trator Alberto Pimenta (1937 - ) Aldous Huxley (1894 - 1963) Aleister Crowley (1875 - 1947) Alrucini Alvars Orkester Ana Hatherly (1929 - 2015) Anastasia Vronski Andrew Poppy Aneurisma Antonin Artaud (1896 - 1948) Antígona António José Forte (1931 - 1988) Arcane Device Art Of Primitive Sound Arthur Rimbaud (1854 - 1891) Asger Jorn (1914 - 1973) Attrition Baby Dee Benjamin Péret (1899 - 1959) Black Sun Editores Blitz Blood Axis Bloody Dead And Sexy Bourbonese Qualk Bovoso Brion Gysin (1916 - 1986) Brume Bruno De Angelis Carlos Zíngaro Caspar Brotzmann Charles Baudelaire (1821 - 1867) Chris Cutler Church Of Raism Clair Obscur CocoRosie Colin Wilson (1931 - 2013) Compound Contrastate Controlled Bleeding Croniamantal Current 93 D. H. Lawrence (1885 - 1930) DAT Politics Dalëk De Fabriek Death In June Depressão Total Derek Bailey (1930 - 2005) Diamanda Galás Edgar Froese (1944 - 2015) Edições Mortas Einstürzende Neubauten Enrique X. Macías (1958 - 1995) Erik Satie (1866 - 1925) Ernest De Gengenbach (1903 - 1979) Ernst Jünger (1895 - 1998) Espirito Ressacado Ezra Pound (1885 - 1972) FM Einheit Fanzine Fanzine - Grito Fanzine - Kill Yr. Idols Fanzine - Monitor Faust Fennesz Fernando Pessoa (1888 - 1935) Flutwacht Fra Lippo Lippi Franz Kafka (1883 - 1924) François Rabelais (1494 - 1553) Freya Aswynn Fritz Hauser Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian Gabor Kristof Georg Büchner (1813 - 1837) Georges Bataille (1897 - 1962) Glod Gomes Leal (1848 - 1921) Guillaume Apollinaire (1880 - 1918) Guy Debord (1931 - 1994) HIST Han Bennink Heinrich von Kleist (1777 - 1811) Hesskhé Yadalanah Hiena Editora Hijokaidan Holger Hiller Hugin Hum Prójimo IK Mux Ian Curtis (1956 - 1980) In Gowan Ring In The Nursery István Mártha Jabir Jarboe Jean Dubuffet (1901 - 1985) Jean Genet (1910 - 1986) Jean Mabire (1927 - 2006) Jean Paulhan (1884 - 1968) Jehan Mayoux (1904 - 1975) Joaquim D'Azurém John Cage (1912 - 1992) John Surman John Zorn Jon Rose Jorge Lima Barreto (1949 - 2011) Jorge Peixinho (1940 - 1995) José Luis Ontiveros (1954 - 2015) Joxan Goikoetxea Joy Division Joyce Mansour (1928 - 1986) João César Monteiro (1939 - 2003) João Paulo Monteiro Joëlle Léandre Juan Mari Beltran Julius Evola (1898 - 1974) Ken Filiano King Dude Kurt Schwitters (1887 - 1948) La Fura Dels Baus Label - Ama Romanta Label - AnAnAnA Label - Area Total Label - Bruits Blancs Label - C'est La Mort Label - Chainsaw Cassettes Label - DOVentertainment Inc Label - Dansa Do Som Label - Dossier Records Label - FOT Records Label - Facadas Na Noite Label - Feedback Label - Gothic Arts Records Label - Grito Tapes Label - Hyperium Label - IRRE Tapes Label - K7 Pirata Label - Kaos Sete Label - Linea Alternativa Label - Maldoror Tapes Label - Pé De Porco Label - Ritual De Sombras Label - SOPRODASESFERAS Label - SPH Label - Simbiose Label - Staalplaat Label - Touch Label - Tragic Figures Label - Volúpia Tapes Laibach Lautréamont (1846 - 1870) Lawrence Ferlinghetti (1919 - 2021) Leo Plastaga Lights In A Fat City Luiz Pacheco (1925 - 2008) László Hortobágyi Macromassa Magazine Magazine - D-Side Maja Elliott Marcel Proust (1871 - 1922) Margaret Freeman Mark Stewart Marquês de Sade (1740 - 1814) Master Musicians Of Bukkake Max Ernst (1891 - 1976) Meat Generation Mekong Zoo Melo Mafali (1958 - 2021) Michael Gira Miguel Azguime Minox Mircea Eliade (1907 - 1986) Miso Ensemble Monique Brandily More República Masónica Motorama Muslimgauze Mute Life Dept. Mário Cesariny (1923 - 2006) Mão Morta Negativland Nguyen Te Duc Nihil Aut Mors Non Credo Nora Keyes Nouvelles Lectures Cosmopolites Nurse With Wound Ocaso Épico Ode Filípica Opera Nova Orfeon Gagarin Orphx Osso Exótico PGR PSP Parts Pascal Comelade Pedro Oom (1926 - 1974) Pedro Tudela Peter Brötzmann Peter Kowald (1944 - 2002) Philip Glass Pier Paolo Pasolini (1922 - 1975) Pigsix 4 Pinkie Maclure Plopoplot Pot Poison Dwarfs Psychic TV Pós GNR Raksha Mancham Ramleh Raoul Vaneigem (1934 - ) René Guénon (1886 - 1951) Residuos Tóxicos Richard H. Kirk (1956 - 2021) Robert Ashley (1930 - 2014) Roderick Skeaping Roger Turner Roger Vailland (1907 - 1965) Rui Azul Rui Eduardo Paes Sangre Cavallum Sebastian Gandera Sei Miguel Sektor Sex Wholly Belief / Sex Holy Disbelief Siegmar Fricke Soliman Gamil (1924 - 1994) Somewhere In Europe Spies Under Von Magnet Influence Sprung Aus Den Wolken Stefano Scodanibbio (1956 - 2012) Stock Hausen & Walkman Strafe Für Rebellion Stéphane Mallarmé (1842 - 1898) Suicide Commando Surrealismo Telectu Terra Oca Test Department The Days Of The Moon The Durutti Column The Hafler Trio The Joy Of Nature The Klinik The Legendary Pink Dots The Revolutionary Army Of The Infant Jesus The Young Gods This Morn' Omina Throbbing Gristle Tom Cora (1953 - 1998) Tomasi di Lampedusa (1896 - 1957) Tristan Tzara (1896 - 1963) Trumpets And Drums ULVER V/A Vasilisk Vitor Rua Vitriol Vivante Tableau Von Magnet Vox Populi Walter Benjamin (1892 - 1940) William Blake (1757 - 1827) William S. Burroughs (1914 - 1997) X-TG Yukio Mishima (1925 - 1970) Z'EV (1951 - 2017) Zlatko Kaučić Zone Zoviet France [The User]

1 200 000 Dead Tibetans - 1 200 000 Dead Tibetans (Musica Maxima Magnetica, 1996)

On 7th October 1950, China invaded Tibet. A few years later, the systematic attacks by the Chinese Army against every element of the Tibetan culture and religion led to wide popular uprising and to a deep armed resistance. On 10th March 1959, the resistance of the Tibetan people culminated in a general uprising in Lhasa against the Chinese invaders. From that time on, the genocide and the culturcide - or ethnocide, initiated in the mid-fifties has been developed and has now reached an unprecedented width: 1 200 000 Tibetans have been exterminated by the Chinese (one fourth of the initial population). In 1974, the Tibetan military resistance stopped its guerrilla operations from the Kingdom of Lo, on the North of Nepal. The last twenty years saw the development of underground resistance against the Chinese occupation in Tibet and training of Tibetan radical groups abroad.
Although the idea of founding the present group was already in mind for few years, it became a reality when Dta-Wa-E, the Dark Khampa, founder of the group Raksha Mancham met Tibetan radical activists (based in uncontrolled mountaineous areas of Myanmar (Burma)) in the high plateau of Libya two years ago. That explains why that record involves determinant intervention of these Tibetan extremists with some help provided by members of the famous group Raksha Mancham.
The aim of that record is to denounce the reality of the genocide commited by the Cinese in Tibet. As the people involved wanted the denounciation to be unquestionable, they decided to use parts of the most unquestionable source on that subject (even if these facts were also documented by plenty of other reliable sources): the reports established by the International Commission of jurists (a non-governmental organization which has Consultative Status - Category 'B', with the United Nations Economic and Social Council) on the basis of the inquiries made by its legal inquiry committee on the question of Tibet. As a result of that, it is the very first time in the history of humanity that the basis of some recordings is an official report conceived to foster understanding of and respect for the Rule of Law and Human Rights.
But even considering the very high value of the report published by the International Commission of Jurists, they wanted to put a special emphasis on the direct testimonies of those who suffered the dramatic reality of the Chinese genocide againsts the Tibetans: one can find in the booklet of the Compact Disc transcriptions of these testimonies as well as drawings made by Tibetans who escaped the Chinese extermination camps from their testimonies.
The realization of the present record also implied a lot of investigations and researches worldwide in order to get rare documents, hard-to-find pictures, confidential reports, censored publications....
As the Tibetan civilization-the only surviving antique civilization-is now threatened of total annihilation because of the Chinese policy in Tibet, it was decided to add some suggestions of actions in favour of Tibet. But everyone is invited to think more about the way anyone can personally act to contribute to save Tibet as everyone's own resposibility is involved in the issue of that situation. We have all plenty of things to learn from the Tibetan civilization and it will be completely destroyed within a few years if there are no changes in the situation prevailing today. So everybody must act to save Tibet....Now!
This time 1 200 000 Dead Tibetans was a record, next time it will be a stage performance...or a military resistance operation against the Chinese occupation of Tibet!!!!

01 Ganden
02 Sangyip
03 Ngalam Thongla
04 Kilalunpa
05 Seitru
06 Lithang
07 nGolok
08 Powo Tramo
09 Labrang Tashi Kyil
10 Gutsa
11 Nadnpa
12 Drapchi

eee 29
Musica Maxima Magnetica

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